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How to stop bedwetting in children age 5 to age 8

(2-3 minute read)

It's easy to think bedwetting is more common than it is, especially if it runs in your family. In fact, at age 5, only 1 in 5 children still wet the bed. By age 8, it's just 1 in 20.

As they start school and make new friends, confidence does wonders. Learning not to wet the bed means a big boost to self-esteem. From age 5, they're ready to start learning this new skill.


  1. Why would a child wet the bed at this age?
  2. How is bedwetting different at ages 5 to 8?
  3. Next steps to end bedwetting
  4. Get in touch for help

Why would a child wet the bed at this age?

They may be unusual for their age, but there's no need to panic. Almost all children wet the bed because their brain hasn't yet learned the feeling of needing to pee means wake up. Find out more about what causes bedwetting.

Children become less likely to stop bedwetting without help as they get older. Age 5 to 8 is perfect to start helping with night toilet training and a bedwetting alarm.

One third of kids wetting at age 5 still wet the bed at 12 years old


How is bedwetting different at ages 5 to 8?

They've mastered daytime bladder control

At this age children have usually mastered controlling their bladder during the day. They're taking themselves to the bathroom without you having to watch for squirming.

Although your child is likely using the loo without help, it's important to keep being frank and open about toilet matters.

Tip: Make sure your son or daughter knows the words for bodily functions and their private parts, so they can more tell you about any problems that make bedwetting worse, like a bladder infection or constipation.

Life outside the family grows

At 5, 6, 7 and 8 children have a growing sense of self. The world outside their family begins to matter more. They want to fit in and feel included by other children.

They may notice they're different from other children if they're still in diapers (nappies) at night. They're eager to keep up with other kids.

Learning is fast and fun

Learning usually includes a lot of creativity and movement for children of this age, alongside reading, writing and numbers. With the right help from adults, they learn quickly.

If they're still wetting the bed at night, now is the best time to begin night toilet training and using a bedwetting alarm because they:

  • want to learn
  • get into new routines easily
  • learn faster than older children.

Their imagination is wild

Children at ages 5 to 8 are often drawn to fantasy characters and stories, from fairies to superheroes.

Their vivid imagination can help them stop bedwetting. Here are some ideas:

  • When they need to use the bathroom during the day, ask your child to first lie down on their bed and close their eyes. Ask them to think of a picture to go with the feeling of a full bladder. Kids come up with all sorts of things, from footballs to fish tanks. Having a picture for the feeling can help them 'see' their full bladder when they're asleep, and wake.
  • If an exciting event is coming up, like a sleepover or vacation, ask your child to imagine how much more they'd enjoy themselves if they didn't have to worry about wetting the bed.

Parents have more control at bedtime

Parents are usually still in control of bedtime routines with children ages 5 to 8. This means there's a lot you can do to make it calm and predictable.

Our recipe for bedtime with the best chance of beating bedwetting:

  • Make sure they don't get too exhausted - overtired kids find it harder to wake in the night to a full bladder.
  • Avoid drinks before bed.
  • Make sure they use the toilet before bed. Watching a YouTube video or reading for a minute helps your child relax so they can get it all out.

If you already have a DRI Sleeper bedwetting alarm:

  • Practice the alarm response four times each night for the first seven nights using the alarm.
  • Relaxing listening helps them unwind and fall asleep. Our Mindfulness MP3 recordings help reinforce messages around ending bedwetting while helping them drift off.

It's the perfect time to start phasing out night diapers (nappies) too. If they use night diapers much longer, they may become 'diaper dependent', which is difficult to treat. Saying goodbye to night nappies, and hello to a Brolly Sheet in their favourite colour, is another step that builds confidence.

Their diet may change

At this age children are eating outside the home more. It's important you know what they're eating and drinking. Sugar, artificial sweeteners and caffeine worsen bedwetting because they dry the body and interfere with sleep.

Use their new daily routines to help make sure they're drinking enough water to make their bladder stronger. Aim for 6 glasses of 8 fluid ounces (250 mL) a day, using waking up, coming home from school, meals and snacks as reasons for a glass of water.

They sleep soundly

Children at age 5 to 8 don't usually thrash around much in their sleep. However, If your child is very hard to wake, try our advice for using a bedwetting alarm with a deep sleeper.

The DRI Sleeper excel bedwetting alarm is great for this age group. It clips to their pyjamas and connects by cord to the moisture sensor. It's also our least expensive bedwetting alarm, so you're not just saving money on diapers by starting right away!


Next steps to end bedwetting at age 5 to 8

It's the ideal time to help your child stop wetting the bed with night toilet training and a bedwetting alarm.

If used as directed, a bedwetting alarm helps up to 9 in 10 children stop wetting the bed. It's the fastest and most effective solution.

Parents breathe a sigh of relief at knowing they can stop buying expensive night diapers. There's even better news for your child. When they stop bedwetting, the way their confidence grows is worth its weight in gold.

Read Next: How to stop bedwetting using an alarm

Not ready for an alarm? Download our free Night Toilet Training Guide